Concert Series
Saludad a la aurora: The Hispanic Society Music Collection performed by Meridionalis

performed by Meridionalis

Sherezade Panthaki, Amy Goldin, Molly Quinn, Mikki Sodergren, Solange Merdinian, Kirsten Sollek, Timothy Parsons, Andrew Fuchs, Timothy Hodges, Thomas McCargar, Steven Hrycelak; Priscilla Herreid, Anna Marsh, Ann Ellsworth, Oscar Cañizares, Aisslinn Nosky, Paul Wiancko, Adam Cockerham, Manuel Vilas, Dongsok Shin

Sebastian Zubieta, conductor

Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 6:00pm. YouTube Channel

Saludad a la aurora: The Hispanic Society Music Collection. Performed by Meridionalis



Mitchell A. Codding, Executive Director and President, Hispanic Society Museum & Library and Sebastian Zubieta,
Music Director, Americas Society


Carlos García
Ha de la esfera del sol

Francisco Vicente

Diego de Cáseda
Saludad a la aurora

Baltasar de Peralta
Peccantem me quotidie

Juan del Vado (1625-1691)
No te embarques, pensamiento

Juan Hidalgo (1614-1695)
Ay, desdichada

Carlos de Borja y Aragón
Sol, luna, estrella

Juan de Madrid
Cum invocarem

Editions: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7: Bernardo Illari; 2, 4, 8: Sebastian Zubieta
Audio: Bill Siegmund, Digital Island Studios Video: Sebastian Zubieta
About Meridionalis:
Established in 2010, Meridionalis, comprised of leading singers of the NYC area, is Americas Society’s vocal ensemble, specializing in early and contemporary music from the hemisphere. The ensemble has been lauded for its “well-blended, joyous sound” and “beautifully rendered programs” by The New York Times. The mission of Meridionalis is to promote little-known and rarely performed repertoire, collaborating with expert musicologists and instrumental ensembles across the globe on programs of sacred and secular choral music. In 2019 Naxos released the ensemble’s debut album, dedicated to the choral music of Argentine composer Pablo Ortiz. This season, Meridionalis continues its exploration of the extraordinary music included in the Hispanic Society’s library and will release an internet version of Sergio Policicchio’s production of Kopernkikus, which the group performed in Buenos Aires and New York.


Ha, de la esfera del sol Ah, the sphere of the sun
Nácar donde se eterniza Nacre where, by
A influencias de la Gracia Virtue of Grace
¡A una Perla peregrina! A pilgrim Pearl is made eternal.
¿Quién llama? Who is calling?
Soy el alegría del más venturoso día I am the joy of the most fortunate day
Que a celebrar su Gracia That to celebrate her Grace
La Pureza esclarecida The enlightened Purity
Viene mi voz cuyo acento Comes my voice, whose accent
Mil norabuenas publica Publshes a thousand congratulations
¿Y quién es la que consigue And who obtains
Tanta aclamación festiva? So much festive acclamation?
El Alba, al rayar su luz, Dawn, as her light breaks,
Que vertiendo dulces risas, That pours sweet laughs,
El Cielo vistes de albores, The sky dresses up in dawn
Y la tierra de delicias. And earth in delights.
¡Sea enorabuena! Congratulations!
¡Cante la alegría! Let happiness sing!
Con dulces acentos With sweet accents
¡Su concepción pura y limpia! Her pure and clean conception!
Y todos repitan con dulce armonía, And may all repeat, with sweet harmony
¡Cante la alegría! Let joy sing!
Una y otra vez Time and again
¡Todos los atributos de tu candidez! All the attributes of your simplicity!
A tu Pureza María corona el Cielo Heaven crowns your purity, Mary
Porque contra el rayo de la culpa Because against the beams of guilt
Fue siempre intacto Laurel, She was always an untouched Laurel,
Luna sin mancha, Sol sin ocaso, Moon without blemish, Sun without twilight,
Astro benigno, Luz en el ser. Benign Star, Light in the being
Alabe el siglo Let the ages praise
Todos los atributos de tu candidez. All the attributes of your simplicity!
Flor eres que a maravilla te encumbra el Sumo Poder You are the flower that the Supreme Power has elevated
Donde en lo cándido luce lo purpúreo de un clavel Where simplicity displays the red of a carnation
Ave que eleva, voz que suspende, Rising bird, suspending voice,
Fuente que alegra, Flor de Jessé. Cheering fountain, Jesse’s Flower.
Alabe el siglo Let the ages praise
Todos los atributos de tu candidez. All the attributes of your simplicity!
Singular fue tu Pureza tan clara en su parecer Your Purity was so singularly clear
Que por cristalino espejo, Luna sin mancha se ve, That throuhg a crystalline mirror shines a spotless Moon,
Nave sin riesgo, Mar sin peligro, Ship without risk, Ocean without danger,
Puerto seguro, Fin de mi bien. Safe harbor, goal of my good.
Alabe el siglo Let the ages praise
Todos los atributos de tu candidez. All the attributes of your simplicity!
En el general incendio fuiste zarza de Moisés, In the all-consuming fire you were Moses’ bramble
Porque en el grifo de llamas, sólo fue lucir tu arder, Because amid the torrent of flames, you only had to show your blaze,
Vida del Cielo, Bien de la tierra, Life in heaven, Goodness on earth
Gloria del hombre, Paz al nacer. Glory of men, peace upon birth.
Alabe el siglo Let the ages praise
Todos los atributos de tu candidez. All the attributes of your simplicity!


Magnificat anima mea Dominum, My soul magnifies the Lord,
et exsultavit spiritus meus in Deo salvatore meo, And my spirit exults in God my savior,
quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae. Because he has regarded the lowliness of His handmaiden.
Ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes, For behold, from this day
all generations will call me blessed.
quia fecit mihi magna, For the Mighty One has done great things to me,
qui potens est, He who is powerful,
et sanctum nomen eius, and holy is His name;
et misericordia eius in progenies et progenies And His mercy is on generations and generations
timentibus eum. Of those who fear Him.
Fecit potentiam in brachio suo, He has shown strength with his arm;
dispersit superbos mente cordis sui; He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
deposuit potentes de sede He has cast down the mighty from their thrones
et exaltavit humiles; And has exalted the lowly.
esurientes implevit bonis He has filled the hungry with good things,
et divites dimisit inanes. And the rich He has sent empty away.
Suscepit Israel puerum suum, He has helped his servant Israel
recordatus misericordiae suae, In remembrance of his mercy,
sicut locutus est ad patres nostros, As was told to our fathers,
Abraham et semini eius in saecula To Abraham and to his seed forever.
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, As it was in the beginning, and now, and always,
et in Saecula saeculorum. Amen And in the centuries of the centuries. Amen.


Saludad a la Aurora divina Hail the divine Dawn
Salve Regina Hail Queen
Y decid con afectos acordes And say with appropriate affect
Mater misericordiae; Mother of mercy
Y cantad con amor y con ruego, And sing with love and with praise,
Vita, dulcedo Life, sweetness
Esperando en la Gracia del Ave Waiting in Grace of the Hail
Et spes nostra, salve; And our hope, Hail;
Y con ruego y amor te obligamos, And with prayer and love we force you
Ad te clamamus To thee we call
Que a la Patria, Señora nos lleves Take us home, Lady
Exsules filii Hevae The exiled children of Eve
Pues sin Ti no es posible vivamos Because, without you, we cannot live
Ad te suspiramus To you we sigh
Con dolor y con ansias ardientes With pain and ardent worry
Gementes et flentes, Kneeling and weeping,
Y  la Pena y la Culpa se acaben And let pain and guilt end
In hac lacrimarum valle. In this vale of tears
Oye mi ruego pues los hombres dicen Listen to my prayers beccause men say
Eia, ergo Consequently,
Todos se postran y amorosos te dicen They all
Advocata nostra. Our advocate
Ángeles y hombres dicen por verte: Angels and men say as they see you:
Illos tuos misericordes Your merciful
Oculos ad nos converte. Eyes turn towards us
Que es en la tierra That it is on earth
Se constituye That it is done.
Et Jesum benedictum fructum ventris tui. And Jesus, blessed fruit of your womb.
Y este destierro que nos defiende, And this exile que defends us
Nobis post hoc exsilium Ostende. Towards us after our exile turn to us.
Pues el afecto de mi lengua mueves, Because you move the affect in my tongue
Bien te podremos decir Well may we tell you
O Clemens O clement
Pues todo el ser te debe el alma mía, Because my soul owes you the whole being,
Bien te podré decir I will well tell you
O pia Oh, happy
Y todos con acorde melodía bien te pueden decir And all, with pleasant melody may well tell you
O dulcis Virgo Maria. Oh, sweet Virgin Mary.


Peccantem me quotidie
et non me penitentem,
Timor mortis conturbat me.
Quia in inferno nulla est redemptio.
Miserere mei, Deus, et salva me.
I who sin every day
and am not penitent
the fear of death troubles me:
For in hell there is no redemption.
Have mercy upon me, O God, and save me.


No te embarques, pensamiento, Don’t set sail, thought,
¡huye del mar!, Escape from the sea!
que acentos de una sirena That the accents of a siren
te perderá[n]. Will be your perdition.
Sirena te desafía A siren challenges you
labrando tu sepultura, Carving your grave,
en sus voces la dulzura In her voice, sweetness
y en sus manos la armonía. And in her hands, harmony.
Revoca, pues, tu porfía Reverse, then, your insistence
de riesgo tan singular, On such a singular risk,
que no podrá aprovechar That you will not be able to enjoy
después tu arrepentimiento. After your repentance.
No te embarques, pensamiento,… Don’t set sail, thought…
Huye empeño tan sabido Flee, such a knowing endeavor
en que yo y tú nos perdemos; In which you and I both are lost;
las manos niega a los remos Avert your hands from the oars
y aplícalos al oído. And apply them to your ears.
Si del daño prevenido If, knowing of the harm
fueres el riesgo a buscar, Should you seek out the risk,
lástima no ha de causar Sorrow your death
tu muerte, sino escarmiento. Will not be, but a lesson.
No te embarques, pensamiento,… Don’t set sail, thought…


¡Ay, desdichada, Ah, unfortunate
de quien es su delito Whose crime is
la desgracia! Only disgrace!
Pero, pues, no vale, ¡oh, ninfa[s]!, But, since it is no use, oh Nymph,
razón a la [a]frenta, valga To give reason to the affront,
razón para que la pena Let there be a reason so that sorrow
sea desdicha y no infamia. Will be misfortune and not infamy.
De un poderoso que no By a powerful one that
nombrarle intentan mis ansias, My desire tries not to name,
porque del poder se dudan, Because one doubts power,
aunque se vean las faltas. Even though one sees its faults.
No persuadida que sólo Not persuaded that
fuera disculpa ordinaria, It was just an ordinary apology
me vi (infelice sueño) I saw myself (unhappy dream)
persuadida y engañada. Persuaded, and tricked.
Y así, ninfas, en mi pena, And thus, Nymphs, in my sorrow,
podréis decir a Diana You will be able to tell Diana
vuestra duda, que el castigo Of your doubt, that the punishment
no culpó de su venganza. Did not blame for her revenge.
Pero no importa que el delito But it does not matter if the crime
se adorne de circunstancias: Adorns itself with circumstances:
que atengan menos delito Let them hold fewer crimes
como no delito se hagan. If they commit no crime.
¡Ay, desdichada,…! Ah, unfortunate…


Sol, luna, estrella y aurora Sun, moon, star and dawn
Compiten con luces claras, Compete with clear lights
Por ser de su hermosa Reina To be to their beautiful Queen
Jeroglíficos sin Mancha. Spotless hieroglyphs.
Esmaltando a rayos Painting with their rays
La vaga campaña, The vacant countryside,
Los brillantes astros The bright stars
Hoy tocan alarma. Today sound alarm.
Que los soberanos Cielos That the sovereign heavens
Son campo de batalla; Are a battlefield,
Resplandores a competencias se inflaman. Inflamed with the contest’s radiance.
Por ser de María sola To be of Mary alone
Por ser sola de su Gracia, To be alone of her Grace
Misterio el más propio suyo Hers the most natural mystery
Y más propia semejanza. And most natural likeness.
¡Alarma! Alarm!
Que las soberanas luces hoy salen a la campaña; That the sovereign lights today go to the fields,
Y aunque como rayos lidian, And although they fight like rays,
Para María es la palma. The prize goes to Mary.
¡Alarma! Alarm!
Que aunque compiten en glorias That although they compete in Glory,
Los triunfos son de su Gracia. The triumphs are of her Grace.
El Sol armado de luces, The sun, armed with lights
Fulmina ardientes escuadras, Fulminates ardent squadrons
Suponiendo que a María, Supposing that Mary,
Electa ut Sol Dios la llama. “chosen by the Sun” God calls.
De rayos hermosos munición dispara, He shoots munition of beautiful rays,
Dando a voces repetidas cargas. Yelling repeated discharges.
Y de la esfera más alta, And from the highest sphere,
Luce, brilla, alumbra, quema, He illuminates, lights, burns,
Resplandece, gira, abrasa. Glows, spins, sears.


Cum invocarem exaudivit me Deus iustitiae meae, in tribulatione dilatasti mihi.Miserere mei, et exaudi orationem meam. Filii hominum, usquequo gravi corde? ut quid diligitis vanitatem, et quaeritis mendacium? [diapsalma] Et scitote quoniam mirificavit Dominus sanctum suum; Dominus exaudiet me cum clamavero ad eum. Irascimini, et nolite peccare; quae dicitis in cordibus vestris, in cubilibus vestris conpungimini. [diapsalma] Sacrificate sacrificium iustitiae, et sperate in Domino. Multi dicunt: Quis ostendet nobis bona? Signatum est super nos lumen vultus tui, Domine: dedisti laetitiam in corde meo. A fructu frumenti et vini et olei sui, multiplicati sunt. in pace in idipsum dormiam, et requiescam; quoniam tu, Domine, singulariter in spe constituisti me. When I called upon him, the God of my justice heard me: when I was in distress, thou hast enlarged me. Have mercy on me: and hear my prayer.
O ye sons of men, how long will you be dull of heart? why do you love vanity, and seek after lying?
Know ye also that the Lord hath made his holy one wonderful: the Lord will hear me when I shall cry unto him.
Be angry, and sin not: the things you say in your hearts, be sorry for them upon your beds.
Offer up the sacrifice of justice, and trust in the Lord: many say, Who sheweth us good things?
The light of thy countenance O Lord, is signed upon us: thou hast given gladness in my heart.
By the fruit of their corn, their wine and oil, they are multiplied.
In peace in the selfsame I will sleep, and I will rest:
For thou, O Lord, singularly hast settled me in hope.



This program has been created in collaboration with Americas Society.

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, Spain Culture New York-Consulate General of Spain and New York State Council on the Arts.
